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Cancer star constellation









































De magnitude 3,7, il est visible a l'?il nu.Elle etait l?une des 48 constellations identifiees par Ptolemee.Ce qui la caracterise, c'est qu'il s'agit en realite d'un systeme multiple.Il sera ressuscite par Poseidon en monstre geant pour servir son armee.La primaire, ? A, est de magnitude 4,66 et la secondaire.Il s'agit d'une etoile double dont les deux composantes sont tres eloignees.Elle porte d'ailleurs la designation ?, bien qu'elle ne soit que la 4 e etoile la plus brillante de la constellation.Eloigne de 577 annees-lumiere, il contient plus de 300 etoiles.Il s'agit d'une etoile geante orange de classe K, 53 fois plus grande que le Soleil et 660 fois plus brillante.Voyez les conditions d?utilisation pour plus de details, ainsi que les credits graphiques.Cancri), Les Anes du Sud et du Nord en latin, car ces deux etoiles sont proches de l' amas ouvert M44, ou Praesepe, dont le nom signifie la Creche. EN SAVOIR PLUS >>>















Cancer (constellation) ? Wikipedia

7 in December 1920 and SN 2001bg was spotted in May 2001 and later peaked at magnitude 13.It belongs to the NGC 2841 group of galaxies, along with NGC 2537, NGC 2541, and NGC 2552 in the constellation Lynx.” Galileo was the first to see in through a telescope in 1609, and Charles Messier added the cluster to his catalogue in 1769.Almost all the stars in the cluster are roughly at the same distance and of the same age (with the exception of 30 or so blue stragglers), which makes M67 one of the most observed and studied objects by those studying stellar evolution.6.?The brightest stars in the cluster are blue-white in colour and with magnitudes ranging between 6 and 6. (In Latin, praesepe can mean both “hive” and “manger. The constellation was first catalogued by the Greek astronomer Ptolemy in the 2nd century.Its estimated age is between 3.67. The star?s traditional name, Asellus Borealis, means “northern donkey colt.Atlas Image mosaic obtained as part of the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS), a joint project of the University of Massachusetts and the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center, California Institute of Technology, funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the National Science Foundation.

Cancer Constellation: Facts About the Crab | Space

(This came from a different interpretation of the chemical composition of the star as expressed in the star's spectrum. (Image credit: Starry Night Software) Locating Cancer the Crab Cancer lies between Leo, the lion, and Gemini, the twins.It can be seen in the Southern Hemisphere during autumn.It looks more like a faint, upside-down Y.) Meanwhile, the Spitzer Space Telescope was used to monitor the heat emissions from 55 Cancri e.You can unsubscribe at any time and we'll never share your details without your permission.Early 2013 results suggested that the planet could be very warm and wet, while 2016 follow-ups revealed that the planet is scorching hot and could be oozing lava.It was sent by the jealous goddess Hera to thwart Hercules as he battled the water serpent Hydra, but he killed it with his club. Cancer.


Cancer, the Crab | StarDate Online

It consists of five known planets, with perhaps several more awaiting discovery.Such stars burn through their nuclear fuel in a hurry, so they disappear in tens or hundreds of millions of years, placing a lower limit on the cluster's age.The most recent estimates put their age at around 600 million to 700 million years, which makes them four billion years younger than the Sun.The other planets are much bigger and heavier.Unfortunately for the big crustacean, though, it wasn't much of a challenge.It consists of two wide-spaced stars, one of which is similar to the Sun, and which hosts the planets.Hera placed the remains of the crab in the sky, but gave it only faint stars because of its failure.You'll get your name on the air (or the name of someone else you would like to honor), in StarDate magazine, and on our web site. Constellation Cancer.

The brightest star is Altarf with a visual magnitude of only 3.This means it lies along the path the Sun travels in the sky during the year.Content from this Website may not be used in any form without written permission from the site owner.It is believed to represent the crab in the story of the Twelve Labors of Hercules. It is located approximately 174 light years from our solar system.It is a medium-sized constellation filling 506 square degrees of the sky.Known also as Praesepe, It is an open cluster of at least 200 stars that resembles a swarm of bees.The other object, M67, is another open cluster containing over 100 stars.In some ancient cultures this constellation was believed to be the gate through which souls passed from Heaven to Earth as they were born into human bodies.It was sent by the goddess Hera to distract Hercules while he is fighting the Hydra.It is visible at latitudes between 90 degrees and -60 degrees.It is one of the thirteen constellations of the zodiac.26.This constellation contains a number of other dim deep-sky objects that can only be seen with large telescopes.

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The Cancer Constellation

It can be seen in the southern hemisphere during autumn. This constellation is believed to represent the crab sent by Hydra to attack Hercules.Cancer, the Crab, is visible in the northern hemisphere in the early spring

Cancer the Crab is the dimmest constellation of the Zodiac..

A guide to the constellation Cancer from In-The-Sky.org..

It is a small constellation of faint stars, so it is difficult to find in the sky.In mythology, it forms part of the story of Hercules. According to one version of the tale, while Hercules was tackling the multi-headed monster Hydra, the goddess Hera sent a giant crab to distract the strongman. Unfortunately for the big crustacean, though, it wasn't much of a challenge.

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